Japan • 日本

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Our Missions Team

Why Japan?

Missionaries to Japan!



We are Daniel and Brooke Shaffer. God has called us, along with our four awesome kids (Elijah, Hadassah, Gabriella, and Judah) to make disciples of Jesus in Japan.  

💹 August 2024 - Goal for Raising Long-term Support & Moving Expenses

✈️ November 2024 - Launch to Japan Soil


"So that they should set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments."  Psalm 78:7 

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?” – Romans 10:14-15

Please prayerfully consider partnering with us through a one-time or recurring donation.
Your generosity is greatly needed and very much appreciated!

Japan Missions Base

We are partnering with PAZ Church Japan in connection with PAZ International, which began as a missions organization in 1976 in the northern Amazon Basin of Brazil as Project AmaZon. The very organization that Daniel and his family worked with for nearly his entire childhood in Santarem, Brazil.

The Vision of PAZ is to make disciples of Jesus through church-planting. They have a presence in 26 of the states in Brazil and in 7 different countries, with over 400 church-plants worldwide.(pazinternational.org)

What an honor to become a part of this great call and mission!

U.S. Missions Support

We are incredibly honored to be called 10/40 Hope Missionaries, and to be working so closely with the 10/40 Hope Ministries Team, some of our dearest friends. This team is sending us out from the states to work and partner with PAZ Church in Japan. They are responsible for receiving and managing all of our financial support as we prepare for launching into the far corner of the 10/40 Window. 

The Mission of 10/40 Hope is "to increase and maintain the Evangelical community among these unreached people groups (within the 10/40 window). This is accomplished through our 3-fold strategy of planting churches, supporting ministries, and sending missionaries." (1040hope.org)

We love the support, stability, and accountability that 10/40 Hope provides!

"This is a couple that could pick their place in ministry. Instead, they have allowed the Lord to direct their steps, leaving behind the American dream in pursuit of the Crown of Life. 

It’s been my pleasure to get to know this wonderful family to watch them minister and serve. To be in their home on several occasions and witness their life. 

I could not give a more whole hearted recommendation for a trusted partnership in the great commission. 

In fact, in light of all the missionary misfires many of us have witnessed. I believe it’s all the more important for us to embrace this family who have done it right. 

I’m asking you to join me in celebrating their calling and their character. 

As we are believing in God, for a new generation of great leaders, let’s not miss the opportunity to support the very prayers that God has answered through Daniel and Brooke."

Pastor Keith, NRP Apostolic Team Leader (USA)

"We have known Daniel and Brooke Shaffer for many years.  They have demonstrated a commitment to serving faithfully in every area they have been involved in.  These last few years have been a time of preparation for their next assignment which happens to be going to Japan as missionaries.  It is exciting to see them answer the call and know that they will be used mightily by the Lord in Japan.  We are appealing to you all to be in prayer and stand with them as they embark on this new and exciting journey."

Pastor Mike Tossas, Senior Pastor of Central Church (Central, Louisiana)

"I have known Daniel and Brooke for many years and Daniel Since childhood. I can honestly say they have veen an example in their integrity, commitment, and unified heart for the Kingdom of God. We are truly looking forward to having them join our team in Japan and win this nation for Jesus together."

Pastor Josiah Huber, Head Pastor of Paz Church Japan